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InterFormNG2 Manual

This advanced debugging component outputs all the payload and all the workflow variables (including the values) into the job log and the system log.


The component has no parameters.


You can e.g. use this to debug your workflow.



Example of how to get the debug result

It is possible to gain access to the debug information within the current workflow as described below-


The Log to XML component can e.g. be used together with Debug headers component to dump the values of all workflow variables. The debug headers function lists all defined variables and their variables and adds them to the system log and the current job log, and you can even retrieve that information in the current workflow. Here is an example:





In the workflow above these 4 steps are used:


1.Create a PDF file.

2.Debug headers.

3.Log to XML

4.To filesystem


This workflow writes the job log of the current workflow into an output file:





The output file looks like below in this case:




It can be quite tricky, but in principle the workflow can extract information from this job log and use that in the processing.