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InterFormNG2 Manual

Navigation: Designer

Save a template

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You probably want to save your changes, after you have changed a template in the designer.


All export/import options of templates (apart from a simple save) is covered in the Library here.


To save a template you click the save option on the upper right corner:




You can choose to quickly save it as the current name, if you click the save icon, but if you click the arrow pointing down, then you will see more save options:




The options are:


Save with revision

This enables you to save a description of the changes together with the template in the template revision log. The save is not a full revision, but only your description of the changes.

The pop up window for the revision looks like this:




The save is also covered here. The revision log can also be displayed in the designer.



Save as

Choose this to save the changed template as a new template instead of overwriting the existing template. You are prompted for the folder and new template name. It is possible to create a new sub-folder during the save.



You can download the changed template as an .ift file, if you select this option. The actual download action depends on the browser, but you should expect InterFormNG2 to download a file, that is named the same as the template with the extension, .ift into the download folder of your PC.


Export with dependencies

If you choose this, then you will see this pop up window:



Where you can choose to also export any fonts, that are used in the template. When you click export, then a zip file is downloaded with the name ng2txp_<template>.zip