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InterFormNG2 Manual

You can use the workflow component, XSL transformation on SPLFV2 to convert a spooled file (in the version 2 format) into an XML file.


The component has these parameters:




Transform stylesheet

If this is an optional reference to an xsl transformation (extenstion .xsl), which can be used in order to transform the spooled file. This can be used as InterFormNG2 is actually storing the spooled files as XML files. Especially the format for the stored version 2 spooled files is very transparent.



Transform design

This can be used for referring to an optional spooled file transform template (extension .ixl), which converts the spooled file into XML. Please note, that a transform template can be converted into an .xsl transformation file with the workflow component, Transformation design to XSL.


You can only select one of the transformations mentioned above.