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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

If you want to used browser based signatures with InterForm400, then you need to configure the port number for normal signature pad communication to the special value of 1 as described below.


No communication is done via this special port number, and the real port used for communication with SignoSign is setup in a configuration file in the IFS.


Any other value than 1 indicates to InterForm400, that you want to use the hardware based written signatures.


To configure the port to 1 you need to select these options in InterForm400:


70. Configuration and licences

5. Configure signature pad


Then you see this:



          Configure signature pad                                      PAD400D  


 Signature pad subsystem  :   SIGNINTER                                         

   Library  . . . . . . . :     APF3812                                         


 Port . . . . . . . . . . .       1   9000-65535   WEB=1                                 

















 F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                           



The subsystem must be started before signing can be done.


In the screen above you need to set the port number to 1 as shown.