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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Emailing > Email log > Work with email log via browser

Maillog http server administration

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The email log http server administration is found via menu options:


80. Administering InterForm400

10. Maillog http server administration


With this menu option you can manually start and stop the web server for the email log. The web interface is described here.



Maillog http server administration                   System.......: PMK250    

                                                     Workstn ID...: QPADEV000B

Server http subsystem  . :   QHTTPSVR                   CCSID ....: 00277      

  Instance . . . . . . . :     IF400MAILW            User ID......: KSE        

Port . . . . . . . . . . :    7375                                            


Select one of the following options:                                          








10. Start the IF400MAILW http server instance                                  

11. End the IF400MAILW http server instance                                    







F3=Exit                     F6=Display messages             F12=Cancel      



The configuration is described here.