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InterFormNG Manual 2020

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InterFormNG includes multiple tools to help your work with InterFormNG.


The tools are:


Export and import of InterFormNG resources, to make it easier to copy part of an installation to another e.g. for support tickets.


Output verification: A perfect template design can be in vain, if the printers are not able to print out in the quality, that is required. You might need to do maintenance work on the printer (e.g. cleaning the printer head, or tune the printer settings) on a regular basis to ensure the  InterFormNG can remind you to verify the quality with this feature.


Reprint: InterFormNG is able to reprint a specific label or page, that has been printed within the last 3 hours.


With the tool, Test the Network configuration you can verify the setup of the Network configuration.


Validation: It is possible to validate input XML files to ensure that the contents of input XML files fits specific requirements. It is mainly intended for automotive package, but can be used for other input XML files.