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InterFormNG2 Manual

Navigation: Designer > Alignment options in the designer

Aligment options for fixed positioned elements

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There are several ways to align fixed positioned elements in the designer:

(This lists alignment options for fixed positioned elements only. All alignment options are covered here.)


1.You can enable a grid, resize the lines of the grid and the fixed positioned elements will snap to the grid, if you drag them to a new position with the mouse.

2.You can select multiple fixed positioned elements and then the special aligning option on the top right of the designer to move all selected elements.

3.There are 4 special text alignment options, that are described here.

4.You can select one or multiple fixed placed elements and then move them to a new position with either the keyboard arrow keys (Hold <shift> to move larger steps, hold <CTRL> to move smaller steps) or by dragging with the mouse.

5.When you insert/edit a line element you can hold down the <shift> key while dragging the mouse to force a fixed rotation e.g. vertical or horizontal line and in this way aligning the start and end point of the line.

6.You can of course also edit the properties of an element and type in new positions.