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InterFormNG2 Manual

You need to setup a global email server order to be able to send system emails from InterFormNG2 e.g. to reset emails.


Notice a similar email configuration for each tenant is normally also required.


In order to setup the global email server, you first need to sign in as described here.


Then you click E-mail server on the left below Workflow:





Now you can set the properties for the e-mail server and account:




The configuration of the email server is covered in the section for the tenant email server.


If you scroll further below you can setup the default settings of the outgoing email:




Password reset link

And further below you setup InterFormNG2 for password resets: (This works with the email server setup above).




Above you need to type in the (global) URL of the InterFormNG2 server. This is the link, that users will receive in e-mails, when they request a password reset.


The global email server setup can also be used, if you want to send an email to a system administrator, if the system health is critical:





The final email option can be used for verifying, that the e-mail server setup is working:




Above you simply type in your email address and click Send Test e-mail below.


Remember to click the save option in the lower right corner, if you have done any changes.