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InterFormNG2 Manual

In InterFormNG2 it is possible to call (most) external HTTP REST APIs / Webservices and form submits using workflow components.


The calls are based on RFC2616 Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP/1.1


The external HTTP calls can be used to interact with third party software which supports REST API calls, including an almost unlimited number of Open REST APIs or automatization of form submits to a website.


This section covers the HTTP Post body only Request, but these HTTP components are available:


HTTP Get Request

HTTP Post body only Request

HTTP Post multipart Request

HTTP Post request


An overview/example for use is found in the section, Call external HTTP(s) rest apis


Common for all components

All components can convert a returned JSON document to XML for futher processing in NG2. The returned documents are added as the payload in the workflow and the following workflow variable is set: interformng.httpReturnCode=### where ### is the HTTP return code (200=OK, 403=Access denied etc)




Basic knowledge on how the HTTP protocol works.


This request sends the current workflow payload as the HTTP payload. This also means that no parameters can be added.


The HTTP Post body only request has these parameters:




The parameters are described in this section.