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InterFormNG2 Manual

With InterFormNG2 you can insert the GS1 version of the QR barcode. You need to ensure, that the input data fits the GS1 requirements.


The parameters are:




The parameters are:

(The headers are links to the common description).



The data, that you want to put into the barcode. Use the vertical pipe (|), if you want to insert the special FNC1 character. You should only insert the FNC1 character when needed as a delimiter of a value, that does not have a fixed length.


This value can e.g. be used as input:



Check out the section, GS1 and EAN barcodes in general for more information and troubleshooting.


Preview placeholder

Here you can enter a text constant for the data, that you want to use for the barcode in the result view in the designer.


Module width

The width of the small squares of the barcode.



How the data is to be encoded in the barcode. The barcode scanner needs to support the encoding. The possible values are:

UTF-8   This is recommended. With this you can put as good as any character into the barcode, but the scanner also need to support UTF-8.

ISO-8859-1  This is a very limited character set (same as Latin 1) and only the characters included can be included. Details can be found here:

Shift_JIS   A special japanese standard. Refer to this for details:


Module width

The height and width of the small boxes/modules, that make up the barcode. This is rounded to up to a whole number of dots in the selected output resolution (DPI). For the mime types, ZPL and Direct protocol the resolution/DPI is set on the printer and for PCL/PDF output the resolution is set on the template element in the template.


Error correction

The error correction of the barcode i.e. how error proof or redundant the barcode is to be. The larger the value the larger the barcode will be.


Barcode version

If this is blank or 0, then the barcode will grow as more data is added. If you set a value other than 0, then the barcode will get a fixed size. The amount of supported data is then limited by this size.


Error handling

How InterFormNG2 should react, if the data used cannot be converted into the barcode e.g. because of unsupported characters.