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InterFormNG2 Manual

Navigation: Workflow > Workflow input types > IBM i Command input

Setup AS400 command workflows

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The third of the prerequisites for calling functions in InterFormNG2 via commands on the IBM i platform is, that you have setup matching workflows, that are triggered by the AS400 commands, that you call.


The workflows that you create must have the workflow input type, AS400 Command input.


Here is setup of the header of a sample workflow:





The specific IBM i command option is the path. This is what you can use in order to link a command call with a specific workflow. In order to call this workflow you should state SPLF2PDF in the COMMAND field of the commands.


The commands can trigger many different workflows, and in the workflow you can use all the available functions/components.


Regarding the output you can choose if e.g. you want to save an output file directly in InterFormNG2, or if you want to return an output file back to the command. If you want to return any kind of output back to the command, then you need to ensure, that the payload of the workflow contains the data, that you want to return.


If you e.g. want to create a PDF file, then you can either save it directly in InterFormNG2 with the component, Create PDF file or you can generate a PDF to be stored in the payload with the component, Create PDF document.


A lot of workflow variables can be set in the commands. If you want to check the contents of these variables, then you can consider to use the workflow component, debug headers to dump all workflow variables and values.