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InterFormNG2 Manual

The Webforms module of InterFormNG2 is a charged module, so you need a license code, which enables this module in order to use it.


The Webforms module can be used as a way to interact with a user, who can add and update text fields in a template via a browser. The text can either a free text or a drop down list defined via a translation.


The setup to use a web form is these steps:


1.Create a template which contains one or more editable text elements.

2.Create a workflow, which first runs the component, Edit document text to prompt for the editable texts (in the used template) and then run the template again to generate the final output e.g. a PDF file or print.



The use of Webforms

The user interface to enter the editable part of the forms is found a web page. The name of this web page depends on the setup in the workflow component, Edit document text and the value setup for the parameter, Edit flow unique name. The default value for the Edit flow unique name is Standard, which means that the web page will be: https://localhost:8086/forms/tasks/?id=edt%25Standard, where localhost of course should be exchanged for the IP-address or host name of the InterFormNG2 server and the port number 8086 should replaced with the port number used by InterFormNG2, if this has been configured to another number.


The user needs to sign on to this web page: https://localhost:8086/forms/tasks/?id=edt%25Standard


Here the user will see a list similar to this:





The user then click on one of the pending tasks (forms) and then the user sees this screen:




On the left the user is prompted for the value of each editable text (above the Country is a drop down list) and on the right the user immediately sees the merged result with the entered values.


When the user is done and press the Submit form icon, the workflow continues the processing with the entered values.