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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

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Favorite spooled files in overlays

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If you sometimes find it hard to find a matching, sample spooled file e.g. when you want to change an overlay (or actually also for testing setup in Auto Forms Control), then you should consider to save one or more spooled files in your overlays.


You can save one or many favorite spooled file in a single overlay and when you save such a favorite spooled file, you are also prompted for a name/description to make it easier for you to find the relevant spooled file.


If you are concerned about GDPR, then you can consider to use the APFEDTPRT command to change the spooled file and make it anonymous, and then save the changed spooled file as a favorite.



Save a favorite spooled file

You can save one or multiple spooled files in the graphical designer and in the the green screen designer for each overlay.



Select a favorite spooled file

You can select a favorite spooled file in both the graphical designer and in the green screen designer.



Restore a favorite spooled file

When you select one of favorite spooled files, that are saved your overlay, then the spooled file is restored to the output queue, APF3812/FAVS when you e.g. preview in the designer, So if you want to use this spooled file e.g. for testing Auto Forms Control then you can now move the spooled file to another output queue and use it there. You should however remember, not to use this output queue for any production setup as the output queue will stay in the APF3812OLD library, when you later do an upgrade of InterForm400.


Clear up old restored favorite spooled files

The spooled files, that InterForm400 have restored to the output queue, APF3812/FAVS are normally not that many, so normally cleaning up is not that much of a problem, but it is a good idea to clear this output queue on a regular basis. You can e.g. submit a job in the OS400 job scheduler, that clears the output queue with the command, CLROUTQ APF3812/FAVS.



Delete a favorite spooled file

It is also possible to delete favorite spooled files both the graphical designer as well as in the green screen designer.



Export and import of overlays with favorite spooled files

If you choose the export or import an overlay, that has attached favorite spooled files, then the favorite spooled files follow along with the overlay as well.