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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Print output > Laser printers

OMR - Inserter machines

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InterForm400 can prepare the printed output for inserter machines by adding special OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) marks or barcodes in the margin of the printed output.


This will tell the inserter machines which pages, that belong together and should be put into the same envelope.


The configuration of the marks is setup via these menu option:


5. Work with Auto Forms Control

4. Finish Definitions


Here can you create inserter definitions if you press F6=Add and select type: 03:



         Create Finish Definition                                     PRS310D  


Definition name  . . . . . . INSERTER                                        

Description  . . . . . . . . My inserter definition                          



Type of Finishing  . . . . . 03     01 = Prinserter                            

                                    02 = Stapling per Recipient                

                                    03 = Prepare for inserting                

                                    04 = PFE Mail-Printer                      

                                    05 = Prepare for email/Fax                

                                    06 = PDF Filenaming                        

                                    07 = Reformat Spooled File                

                                    08 = XML definition (classic version)      

                                    09 = XML+ definition (XML module required)








F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel        



You then need to tell InterForm400 which overlay or overlay selector you will use for the merge, so InterForm400 can handle copy management if used:




Supported inserter machines are:


01 = Pitney Bowes OMR          

02 = PFE Minimailer 2/3 Plus  

03 = BÖWE OMR                  

04 = Neopost SI 68/72/76      

05 = Pitney Bowes BARCODE      

06 = PFE Automailer-2          

07 = Bell+Howell              

08 = Pitney Bowes OMR for DI380

09 = Neopost BARCODE          

10 = NEOPOST 100/140 OMR      


There are quite a few settings on the inserter definition in InterForm400, and it is very important, that these settings fits the settings of the inserter machine, that you intend to used.


The actual configuration differs a bit from machine to machine, but the setup is overall quite common, so as an example we can take a deeper look at a difinition based on 10 = NEOPOST 100/140 OMR:


Like for the most of the inserter machines this definition will add some lines in the margin of the final, merged output. Each line can be thought of as a marker or a binary flag:



         Update Finish Definition                                     PRS310


Inserting equipment  . . . : NEOPOST 100/140 OMR                            


Controlling use of optical marks     Gate mark will always be used.        


Group multi-page documents . : 1 1 = Mark on last page in group            

                                 2 = Mark on all pages except last          

                                 3 = Mark on first page in group            

                                 4 = Mark on all pages except first        


Parity mark  . . . . . . . . : 1 = Odd parity                            

                                 2 = Even parity                            

                                 3 = Not used, space left blank            

                                 4 = Not used, no space used                








F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel      



Group multi-page documents

On the screen above we define the function of the Group multi-page flag: When should that line be shown?


Parity mark

You can chose, if there is a marker for parity and if what it should indicate if used. You can also reserve space for it (without using it) with 3= Not used,, space left blank.



         Update Finish Definition                                     PRS310D  


Inserting equipment  . . . : NEOPOST 100/140 OMR                              


Controlling use of optical marks                                              


Selective feeding station 2  : 1 = Not used, space left blank                

                                 2 = Not used, no space used                  


Selective feeding station 3  : 1 = Not used, space left blank                

                                 2 = Not used, no space used                  


Form sequence within job . . : 0 0 - 6 MARKS)                                  

    No zero  . . . . . . . . : 0=Zero not used, 1=Zero used                  


Divert . . . . . . . . . . . : 1 = Not used, space left blank                

                                 2 = Not used, no space used                  






F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel      



On the screen above these features can be set:


Selective feeding station 2  

State if InterForm400 should reserve space for this or not. The function is not supported in InterForm400.


Selective feeding station 3

State if InterForm400 should reserve space for this or not. The function is not supported in InterForm400.


Form sequence within job

For many of the inserter machines you can define a binary counter via the output lines. This counts the total number of pages (for some machines you can tell InterForm400 to count down). Here you set the number of bits (or lines) in the counter, and define if zero as a value for the binary counter is used or not.



State if InterForm400 should reserve space for this or not. The function is not supported in InterForm400.



         Update Finish Definition                                     PRS310D  


Inserting equipment  . . . : NEOPOST 100/140 OMR                              


Controlling use of optical marks                                              


No seal  . . . . . . . . . . : 1 = Not used, space left blank                

                                 2 = Not used, no space used                  


Form sequence within group . : 0 0 - 4 MARKS                                  

    No zero  . . . . . . . . : 0=Zero not used, 1=Zero used                  


Distance between marks . . . : 1=1/8" 2=1/6" 3=1/5" 4=1/4" 5=1/3"            

                                 6=3mm 7=5mm                                  


Max pages in an envelope . . :  0                                            


Max envelopes to a recipient :  0                                            


Formtype output to inserter  :                                              

Formtype > max envelopes  .  :                                              


F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel      



No seal

State if InterForm400 should reserve space for this or not. The function is not supported in InterForm400.


Form sequence within group

For many of the inserter machines you can define a binary counter via the output lines. This counts the pages for the current envelope (for some machines you can tell InterForm400 to count down). Here you set the number of bits (or lines) in the counter, and define if zero as a value for the binary counter is used or not.


Distance between marks

Here you can decide the distance between the OMR lines in the printed output.


Max pages in an envelope

The maximum number of pages, that is allowed inside each envelope.


Max envelopes to a recipient

If there are more pages, than one envelope can hold, then InterForm400 will distribute the pages into multiple envelopes, but here you can also state a limit of how many envelopes, that InterForm400 can create for a single document.


Formtype output to inserter

The result of the Inserter finish definition is a new spooled file. This should normally be merged into a new spooled file in Auto Forms Control.


Formtype > max envelopes

If a document contains more pages, than what is allowed in the max. number of envelopes, then the pages for those documents are output in a separate spooled file. This makes it possible to separate the pages, that can be inserted into envelopes from the pages containing the very large documents, that cannot fit in envelopes. (They are probably printed and shipped in a box or even as a PDF file).




         Update Finish Definition                                     PRS310D  


Inserting equipment  . . . : NEOPOST 100/140 OMR                              


Placement of optical marks                                                    

    Rotation . . . . . . . . 000                                              

    From top edge  . . . . .  1,000                                            

    From left  . . . . . . .  1,000                                            















F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel      



On the screen above you state where the OMR lines are to be printed.


As the final thing we need to tell InterForm400 how to identify each document via a document number e.g. invoice number or even customer number.


You can create one or multiple sequence lines. Normally one is enough, but if the document number moves around from page to page, then you need one sequence line for each position:



         Work with Finish Recipient-ID                                PRS320D  


Definition name  . . . . :   INSERTER                                          


Start with . . . . .                                                          


Type option, Press Enter.                                                      

  2=Change   3=Copy   4=Delete   5=Display                                    


Opt      Seqnbr.    Description                                                

      001        All pages - demo splf                                      












F3=Exit             F5=Refresh          F6=Add              F12=Cancel        



A sequence line can be defined like below for the InterForm400 demo spooled file to refer to the 4 digit number in line 13 positions 57-60:



         Update Finish Recipient-ID                                   PRS330D  


Definition name  . . . . :   INSERTER                                          


Sequence number  . . . . :     1                                              

Description  . . . . . . .   All pages - demo splf                            


Page selection criteria                                                        

                 Print line   Position   Oper  Compare value                  






Find recipient ID in the following positions                                  

                 Print line   Position                                        

                    13       57 - 60                                        






F3=Exit          F12=Cancel      F13=Select spooled file                      



If the document number is missing on some pages or moving around, then you can use the page selection criteria above (and perhaps even multiple sequence numbers) to handle that.



Implementing the OMR finish definition

To put the OMR finishing definition into production you need to use the C=Prepare for Finish definition function in Auto Forms Control.