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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Emailing > Email log

Work with email log command

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This command, APF3812/WRKMAILLOG works exactly like the menu option ‘5. Work with email log’, which can be found via ‘80. Administering InterForm 400', ‘50. Email administration’.


The command can be called with these parameters:



                        Work with mail log (WRKMAILLOG)                        


Type choices, press Enter.                                                    


Job name . . . . . . . . JOB           *ALL       Name, *ALL                  

User . . . . . . . . . . USER         > *ALL       Name, *ALL                  

OutBox . . . . . . . . . OUTBOX       > INVOICES   Name, *ALL                  

Text . . . . . . . . . . TEXT           *ALL                          


From email address . . . FROMADR       *ALL                          


To email address . . . . TOADR         *ALL                          


Status . . . . . . . . . STATUS       > *FAILED     *ALL, *READY, *SENT...    

Views  . . . . . . . . . VIEWS         *ALL       *ALL, *SUBJECT, *FROMADR...  

                          + for more values                                    






F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display    

F24=More keys                                                                



All of them selects a subset of the emails except the VIEWS field. The VIEWS field can be used for selecting which fields, that you want to include on the list of emails. Possible values are: *ALL,*SUBJECT, *FROMADR,*TOADR,*OUTBOX. You can select one or more of these fields.


The Work Mail Log Command (APF3812/WRKMAILLOG) shows a list of the e-mails, that have been sent:




         Work with email log                                          SMP100D  


Position to . . . . . .                Date                                    



Type options, press Enter.                                                    

  1=Send   3=Hold   4=Delete   5=Display   6=Release   11=Open email                      

  12=Work with receivers                                                      


Opt  Date/time    Email text                                         Status    

 __  11-27 16:47  Test *IBMSMTP                                      *IBMSMTP  

 __  11-27 16:48  Test *IBMSMTP 2                                    *IBMSMTP  

 __  11-27 16:50  Test *IBMSMTP 3                                    *IBMSMTP  

 __  11-27 17:11  Test gennem IMAD01                                 *SENT    

 __  11-27 17:12  Test gennem IMAD01                                 *SENT    

 __  11-27 17:14  Test gennem IMAD01                                 *HELD    

 __  11-27 17:15  Test gennem IMAD01                                 *ERROR    

 __  11-27 17:23  Test gennem IMAD01                                 *ERROR    

 __  12-13 10:52  test1                                              *FAILED  

 __  12-13 14:53                                                     *IBMSMTP  

 __  12-13 14:54                                                     *READY    


F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F11=View 2   F12=Cancel   F15=Subset                      




With option 4=Delete you can delete emails, that have not been sent. To delete other emails you need to use the command, APF3812/CLRMAILLOG.


Possible statuses for e-mails sent via InterForm400 SMTP are:




E-mails sent via OS400 SMTP cannot be monitored in the same details so such e-mails always have the status *IBMSMTP to indicate that the e-mail have been transferred onto the OS400 SMTP/MSF servers.These emails cannot be opened with option 11, as they are deleted from the /APF3812Mail/OutBox directory, when they have been sent. Hence InterForm400 SMTP is recommended.



The other statuses means this:

(See details via option 12=Work with receivers if the status indicates a problem.)



Indicates that the e-mail could not be sent. InterForm400 SMTP tried once, but got an error message back. Perhaps the receiving e-mail account does not exist?        



Indicates that InterForm400 attempted to send the e-mail more than once, but after all retry attempts the e-mail still could not be sent.



An e-mail that have been registered to be sent (*READY), that have been held via option 3=Hold or generated with held. Refer to this for information of how to register e-mails. A held email can be sent via option 1=Send.



E-mails that have been registered to be send later (via the APF3812/SNDMAILS command).



InterForm400 SMTP did not succeed in sending out the e-mail in the first attempts but it is still trying...



The e-mail have been successfully sent via InterForm400 SMTP.



This is a combined status of e-mails that are sent to multiple receivers. The status includes some of the letters R,S,E and F depending on the status of the e-mails sent to each receiver:

R is included if *RETRY or *READY is the status for at least one receiver.

S is included if *SENT is the status for at least one receiver.

E is included if *ERROR is the status for at least one receiver.

F is included if *FAILED is the status for at least one receiver.


With F15=Subset you can subset the list above to include only specific emails. You can e.g. chose to only see the emails in error or emails for a specific email address:




                          Subset list                            


Job name  . . . . . . .                

User  . . . . . . . . .                        

OutBox  . . . . . . . .                    

Subject . . . . . . . .   present                                

From email address  . .                                        

To email address  . . .              

From date/time  . . . .            DDMMYY  HHMMSS

To date/time  . . . . .            DDMMYY  HHMMSS

Status  . . . . . . . .   *ERROR    *READY, *SENT, *RETRY,    

                                      *ERROR, *FAILED, *IBMSMTP  


F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                            



You could e.g. use the subset above to subset the list to only include emails containing the phrase “present” in the subject for the email address “”, which are in status “*ERROR”.


Regarding the status of the emails:


The email consists of 2 parts: user name and domain. The user name is to the left of the @-sign and then domain is to the right of the @-sign.


When you try to send an email, then there can be 3 error scenarios:


1.The domain does not exist or the receiving mail server does not answer within the specified retries.

2.The domain exists, but the user name does not exist.

3.The syntax of the email address is wrong (e.g. missing an @-sign or invalid characters are used).


Each scenario is handled like this:


1.If the domain does not exist: You will get an error in the InterForm400 mail log - status *ERROR or *FAILED.

2.If the domain exists and the user does not exist, then the status of the email will be *SENT, but the email address, which is setup as the sender will receive an email telling that the email could not be delivered. This scenario cannot be found in InterForm400 as the email goes directly to the sender.

3.If there is a syntax error in the email address e.g. a missing @-sign, then one of two things can happen: a) If you on the email finish definition has selected option '13. Email address syntax error handler' and here setup an email address which will receive those emails with a bad email address. The email will contain this as the subject: 'Syntax error in email address: <wrong email address>' and the rest of the email (including attachments). The special subject is possible to use as a condition e.g. in F15=Subset above. b) If you have not setup a syntax error handler as above, then you will get an error message in the AFC job when you try send the email.