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InterFormNG2 Manual

Navigation: Designer > Alignment options in the designer

Aligment options for dynamic placed elements

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There are several ways to align dynamic positioned elements in the designer:

(This lists alignment options for dynamic positioned elements only. All alignment options are covered here.)


1.You can use the table element to align columns e.g. for detail lines e.g. combined with a repeat row or repeat element.

2.The margin setting on the dynamic positioned elements can be used for pushing elements up/down and left/right.

3.You can also insert a dynamic positioned container and insert fixed positioned elements inside of it. Here you should consider to set a size of the container as the size of a container is default the size of the dynamic positioned elements inside.

4.You can setup vertical alignment of elements inside a cell element of a table.

5.You can also consider to change the flow direction of the main container (page element, container or table cell) from the default value, column (vertical flow) into row (horizontal flow).

6.You can add a margin to the dynamic placed elements.