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InterFormNG2 Manual

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Images library

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In InterFormNG2 you can use these image types: bmp, png, gif, tif, tiff, jpg, jpeg, svg and webp.


The images can be referred to in the designer via the image element.


You can either install/upload the images in the Library via your browser, but you can also refer to a URL of an image (inside the image element) to use dynamic images.


As for most of the resources you can create folders and subfolders for the images. This is covered in these sections:


1.Sub-folders in the Library

2.Create a sub-folder

3.Delete a sub-folder



Listing images in the Library

From the Library you can see a list of all images. You can in the overview decide, if you want to see simple list with the image names, or if you want to see thumbnails of each image. You can select your preferred view in the upper right corner:




If you select the detail view, then you will see a simple list like this:




- and if you select the thumbnail option, then the view will look like this:

