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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

You need to install a license code for SignSign in order to avoid a watermark on the PDF documents signed by SignoSign. This section explains how to install such a license code.


The license code can be purchased from InterForm Sales or a related business partner. The number of users of users in the license should be the number of named users/devices plus one user for administration.


The contains a command line tool which is needed for license creation for the signoSign/Universal server.  After the necessary information has been collected it can be provided to InterForm A/S for license creation.


You can find the file in the installation file (e.g. named in the sub-directory called ssu licence tool:


The tool collects this information:


Licence attribute – host name

The computer name entered on the licence is compared with the output of the Java function InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName().


Licence attribute – processor cores

The number of processor cores used entered on the licence may not be lower than the actual number of cores used by the operating server.


Licence attribute – number of concurrent viewer uses

The number of concurrent uses entered on the licence refers exclusively to the documents displayed in the viewer. Access to data sets or resources of the web service interface is not included in concurrent use of the viewer.



Installation of the SignoSign license key

You can insert the SignoSign license in the file:

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0_Tomcat9_InterFormSigner\webapps\signoSignUniversal\WEB-INF\classes\


Here you insert it in the bold line (after the '=') marked below:


# =====================================================================================================================================================================================================

# BUSINESS-SETTINGS ===================================================================================================================================================================================



   # If test and staging servers need other settings than the production server, this property can be used to set a path to an external "" file (outside of WAR/EAR).

   # Properties set within the external file will be prioritized. The server needs to restart for changes to take effect. Example: "D:\\"



   # signoSign/Universal license key.