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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

In order to access a document to be signed you need to log on with credentials that have authority to a subset of documents.

The user ID is linked with a specific sign process in InterForm400, so exactly the same users must be defined in InterForm400 in order to be used for signing.

The same users and password also need to be registered in the InterForm400 configuration file.


The users you create for SignoSign must fit the users defined in InterForm400.


The license for SignoSign may be limited to a specific number of users, so you need to keep within that limit.


In this example we create 3 users/devices:


USER1 - with password password1 (administrator with extra privileges)

USER2 - with password password2 (User/Device)

USER3 - with password password3 (User/Device)


It is HIGHLY recommended to use other user names and passwords. The users could also reflect the signing process for which this is used.

You can e.g. have 2 output queues in Auto Forms Control, that are using USER1 and USER2 for signing.


To declare these 3 users for the webserver find file:

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0_Tomcat9_InterFormSigner\conf\tomcat-users.xml


Edit the file and add the section marked with bold to the file – near the end as shown.


 <user username="role1" password="<must-be-changed>" roles="role1"/>


 <role rolename="administrator"/>

 <role rolename="document-access"/>

 <user username="USER1" password="password1" roles="document-access,administrator"/>

 <user username="USER2" password="password2" roles="document-access"/>

 <user username="USER3" password="password3" roles="document-access"/>



You now have to stop and start the Tomcat service for changes to be reflected.




Test the new users

You can test that the users has been registered after the restart via this link on the windows PC running Tomcat and SignoSign:




Sign in using any of the users defined above.