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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

The specifics for the SignoTec software are these:



2.(Re)Start the Tomcat server

3.Setup the language.

4.Setup the port number for the SignoSign software.

5.Setup users for SignoSign.

6.SignoSign license key.

7.Optional configuration of SignoSign





To install the SignoSign software you need to request the file from InterForm A/S.


A prerequisite is, that you have already installed the Tomcat server.


Unzip the file and inside you will find these files in the directory web apps:

signoSignUniversal.war and signoSignUniversalPool.war


Copy the two files to the webapps subdirectory of where you installed Tomcat. This could e.g. be this path:

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0_Tomcat9_InterFormSigner\webapps


This will automatic install the application in Tomcat.


Now you can start or restart the Tomcat server, and you should be able to see the sign on screen below in your browser, if you use the port number specified during installation for the link below:



(The link is for running on the local machine, where Tomcat is installed)




The language

The sign on screen looks like this:




You may notice, that the default language of the SignoTec software is german, but you can change the language to english instead to see a screen like below:






The Port number for SignoSign

The port number setup in SignoSign must be the same as setup in Tomcat.