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InterFormNG2 Manual

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From IBM i output queue

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If you are running InterFormNG2 on the IBM i platform, then you can let InterFormNG2 monitor an output queue with the workflow input type: From IBM i output queue as shown below.


If you intend to monitor many output queues you should also consider the input type, From IBM i output queue (multiple).


In the background InterFormNG2 will create a data queue with the same name as the monitored output queue in the same library as the output queue and monitor this data queue for entries. That means, that InterFormNG2 is only able to react to a spooled file after it has arrived on this queue with status Ready or if you hold and release the spooled file to create a new entry in the attached data queue.






The fields are:


Queue name

The name of the output queue, that you want to monitor.



The library of the output queue, that you want to monitor. Output queue are most often created in the libraries: QUSRSYS or QGPL, but any library could be used.


Input type

The type of the input. Here you should specify SPLF to tell InterFomNG2 to expect a spooled file.


Use spooled file code page attribute when available

Use this option, if you want to monitor for spooled files in different code pages. The code page selected above can be overwritten by the spooled file, if the spooled file attributes indicate, that the spooled file is encoded in a specific code page. Normally this should be enabled and only disabled, if you expect input spooled files with a wrong codepage setting.


Internal splf format

Here you specify the spooled file format to use. This must match the spooled file format used by the templates used in the workflow.


Code page

The EBCDIC code page of the input spooled files. Keep this blank to refer to the system code page (system value QCHRID) or set a specific code page. In the example above the code page is 1142, which is the danish euro code page.


Sample spooled (XML) file

Here you can refer to a sample spooled file, that has already been loaded in the Library.


On error workflow

Which workflow (if any) to execute in case of an error during processing of a spooled file.