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InterFormNG2 Manual

This section describes all entry parameters of both of the InterFormNG2 commands for the IBM i platform: The NG2CMD and NG2CPDFEML commands.


The list below refers to the sequence of the parameters of the command, NG2CMD. The NG2CPDFEML command contains only a subset of these parameters.

Please notice, that all values and parameters are case sensitive in InterFormNG2.



Identification of the workflow (required)

Parameter on command

NG2 workflow variable


COMMAND (NG2 Endpoint)


Selects the workflow to execute. Identified as Path on the AS400 command input.



General parameters (Optional)

Parameter on command

NG2 workflow variable


CFGFILE (Configuration file)


Selects the InterFormNG2 enviroment, that the command should call.


If this is not filled out: The command will search for the file in the IFS directory, /iformng2/user. If the configuration file is not found in this directory, then the file is expected to be found in the IFS directory, /iformng2/InterFormNG-shell/Core.


If this is filled out: You can enter a configuration file here, if you want to use a different configuration, than the standard configuration. The file should be placed in the IFS directory, /iformng2/user and you specify only the file name - not the path. Details of this configuration file is found in the section, Setup InterFormNG2 AS400 command API.

LOGINFO (Log info key)

An optional unique key for lookup in the list of tenant job logs.

TEMPLATE (Template)


The InterFormNG2 template, that should be merged with the input file (e.g. XML or spooled file)



Optional identification and attributes of a spooled file

Parameter on command

NG2 workflow variable


FILE (Spooled file)


The name of the input spooled file or *NONE if no spooled file is selected.

JOB (Job name)


The name of the job, that created the spooled file. * refers to the current job.

JOB (User)


The user profile, that created the spooled file. If * is used for the job, then this can be blank.

JOB (Job number)


The job number of the job, that created the spooled file. If * is used for the job, then this can be blank.

SPLNBR (Spooled file number)


The spooled file number. If * is used for the job, then this can be blank.*LAST means use the last spooled file with the specifications above and *ONLY refers to the single spooled file, that match the specification of the job and spooled file name above.

CRTDATE (Creation date)


Creation date of the spooled file.

CRTDATE (Creation time)


Creation time of the spooled file.

CODPAG (Codepage)


The codepage to use when extracting data from the input spooled file.

A lot of spooled file attributes are also retrieved, and they can used in the workflow. They are listed here.



Optional Output file

Parameter on command

NG2 workflow variable


TOSTMF (To stream file)


Saves the payload, that the workflow returns as this file. Leave it blank, if nothing is returned or if the output e.g. is generated and save directly in the workflow.



Optional Input parameters

Parameter on command

NG2 workflow variable


PARM1..PARM30  (P1..P30)


Optional input parameters, that the workflow can use as variables.



Optional Email parameters

Parameter on command

NG2 workflow variable


ATTACHNAME (Attachment name)


The name to use for the attachment in the email.

MAILSERVER (Email server)


The name of the email server in InterFormNG2, that you want to use for the email.

SUBJECT (Email subject)


The subject of the outgoing email.

MAILFROM (Email from)


The email address of the sender of the email.

MAILTO (Email to)

The email address(es), that the email is to be sent to.


The email address(es), that should be CC receivers of the email



The email address(es), that should be BCC receivers of the email

MAILTEMPL (Email template)


The email template, that configures the contents of the email.

FILE1..FILE10  (F1..F10)


Optional input files, that will be attached to the email as extra file attachments in the email.

The attachments are named: file_1 to file_10 unless you rename the attachment first with the rename attachment workflow component. You can also use these files for other things e.g. as dynamic images in the templates.



Optional Print parameters

Parameter on command

NG2 workflow variable


PRINTER (Printer name)


Reference to a printer, that is registered in InterFormNG2.

COPIES (Print copies)


The number of copies, that should be printed.



Optional File input/output parameters

Parameter on command

NG2 workflow variable


FILE1..FILE10  (F1..F10)


Optional input files, that will be attachments in the workflow

The attachments are named: file_1 to file_10 unless you rename the attachment first with the rename attachment workflow component. You can also use these files for other things e.g. as dynamic images in the templates.

INFILE (Input file)


The full path to an input file, that InterFormNG2 should use. The contents of the file is binary inserted as the contents of the initial payload, when the linked workflow is processed.

OUTFILE (File name)


The name of the output file.

DIR (Directory)


The path (without the file name) to where the output file is to be saved.

CONFLICT (File conflict resolution)


How to handle it, if the output file already exists. These values are accepted: Overwrite, Rename, AppendVersion, AppendTimestamp This affects only the files written in the workflow as selected above. More information.

TOSTMF (To stream file)


Saves the payload, that the workflow returns as this file - independently of the workflow. Leave it blank, if nothing is returned or if the output e.g. is generated and save directly in the workflow.