
Business advantages through advanced functionality, high usability, and the InterForm partnership

Manufacturer of cast iron (automotive industry)
Core platform
MS Windows
Main ERP
Infor M3
On Prem
Output solution

David Stampe Grønborg, Group IT Manager, BIRN Group

“The investment in InterForm has paid off. It’s difficult to estimate precisely how quickly or how many times over it has, but there’s no doubt it has. Both through direct savings and indirect benefits. I would recommend the InterForm OMS-setup we use without hesitation.”

Read the case story here.

Jesper Løwe, IT coordinator @ Fire Eater

In recent years, InterForm has often been the answer to many of our technical challenges. Especially in cases where our rigid core-systems have not provided us with feasible solutions, InterForm has managed to deliver agile and pragmatic workarounds. We really appreciate the responsive and individual support that InterForm provides and are looking forward to our future collaboration.

Benjamin Schenk, Head of Projects / Processes – Franz AG

In the course of digitization, InterForm has brought us a significant step forward.
Thanks to the comprehensive integration with our existing systems, we were able to use
InterForm to modernize our processes and create added value for us and our customers.

Sven Wirsing, Controlling, Autohaus Kehm GmbH
Manufacturer of lifting equipment
Core platform
Main ERP
Infor M3
Mainly on premises
Output solution

Anders Grønbech, Chief Digital Information Officer, Logitrans
Chairman, Common Denmark – IBM Power Systems User Group

We’re using InterForm for creating several documents like invoices, packing lists, BOM’s, etc. based on data coming from MS Dynamics NAV. Always running smoothly in the background. Any template changes are settled in minutes with the easy to use designer. We definitely recommend InterForm if you don’t like programming forms within your ERP.

Sander West, Controller, Qimarox

I have reduced my time costs on report projects considerably using the InterForm solution and its WYSIWYG designer. No deployment, no server re-start, no unpredictable errors, and no customized coding in SSRS. Just press save in the designer and my design changes are ready to use!

Tommy Lund Axelgaard - Senior AX/365FO developer

We are very satisfied with InterForm, it runs very reliably despite our great volumes.

Henrik Buch Andersen, Supply Chain Manager, Elopak A/S

With InterForm I know that our customers only receive uniform invoices and order confirmations of high design quality. Before we had InterForm we were only able to send our customers a flat and boring email. Sometimes we even experienced that our customers almost thought that it was some kind of spam mail they had received when we sent them an invoice by email.

Chief Digital Information Officer, Anders Grønbech, Logitrans

Our new Output Management System is a flexible and sustainable solution. In the MJ Raber team and InterForm, we found two solution-oriented partners that understood our demands. The solution saves us a lot of time and money!

Hans-Joachim Rudel, IT-Leiter, Flex Elektrowerkzeuge GmbH

Excellent, very friendly, and knowledgeable. The technical support has been superb. When contacted by one of our sister companies (outside of Europe) They set up a conference call with InterForm directly where we spoke with the creator of InterForm who resolved a problem we were experiencing with mirroring.

Stephen Kershaw IT Manager at DENSO Manufacturing

The new solution is preferred by all. InterForm is used 24 hours a day for labels and shop floor documentation; we will be implanting other forms very shortly. One advantage I have seen is that I no longer receive calls from the shop floor about printers not working, with InterForm everything just works. Everyone has commented on how much quicker printing is now the whole solution feels much more robust. Overall we are delighted with the product.

Robin Pugh, Technical Manager of RENOLIT Cramlington Limited (Cova Products)

The products are excellent and so is the service. The beauty of InterForm is that it is independent of our ERP so we can upgrade without any complications. I recommend InterForm to any company, especially those in the banking sector. What we have been able to do with InterForm and Advanced PDF is fantastic.

Mr. Mustafa Srour, Deputy General Manager

Now InterForm and InterWord are up and running, there is very little maintenance that we need to do. The Total Cost of Ownership for these products is very low. The decision to move forward with InterForm has definitely been a positive move as proved when we were able to add the InterWord module to solve our Office Vision problems.

Guy Hughes, Technical Consultant, Baxter Healthcare

We chose InterForm at the time because it was simply the best product on the market and they had local support. Latest we have initiated a process of sending our documents electronically instead of hard copy – so far we have accomplished to do this with 25 % of our output and by end of Q2 more than 60 % of all output will be distributed electronically via InterForm saving us a significant amount of money.

Henrik Hansen, IT Manager DHL Business IT

We have used InterForm (former Artform/400) for over 10 years. We are extremely happy with features both old and new. After implementing, we were able to eliminate nearly ALL of our Pre-printed forms along with 1 staff position. Quite frankly, we would be lost without this package.

Bob Spence, Systems/Analyst, Perfect Fit Industries

InterForm is a software that is part of our daily work. We have not found another solution as adherent as InterForm. With the integration of many tools we can unify our management and save costs.

George Milleo, IT Coordinator

With the introduction of InterForm products we greatly reduced time and cost for deploying labelling and other printing solutions both as a response to customer’s and to other business requirements. Driven by thoughtful design and rock-solid technical expertise, InterForm quickly emerged as the goto-solution wherever there was a need for printing, be it in internal software projects or integrating with other systems like ERP and MES. Its flexibility and reliability are key. We like it a lot…

Sascha Treude - Co-Head of IT, Gerhardi Kunststofftechnik GmbH