Please note that the InterForm products InterForm400 and InterFormNG2 are marketed as ArtForm400 and ArtFormNG in North America. The products, besides the naming, are identical and carry 100% the same functionality, including documentation. For more information or questions, please contact us at
Effortlessly create, manage, and distribute all your documents from any program. Run ONE output solution across your company to optimize business operations.
With InterForm, we got a solution that was possible to grow in and get a better user experience. InterForm has served us well; it has an easy go-to designer, and we got a lot of extra functions. We are dependent on good support, and InterForm hasn’t disappointed us. I certainly recommend InterForm. Anders Grenbech, Chief Digital Information Officer, Logitrans
With InterForm, we got a solution that was possible to grow in and get a better user experience. InterForm has served us well; it has an easy go-to designer, and we got a lot of extra functions. We are dependent on good support, and InterForm hasn’t disappointed us. I certainly recommend InterForm.
InterForm is designed for your business and organization and not just for your ERP. InterForm can handle data from multiple ERPs or other applications at the same time.
I was quite impressed with the approach that InterForm as a company has to output management. When you dig into InterForm, you discover how many options you actually have. A company should look at InterForm when they have a great need for output management, when they need something more than the standard solution. Many of the systems we’ve seen in the past require specialized people with long education to do simple tasks. In InterForm, you get a great interface, making it a valuable tool for M3 environments. Hans Miller Hansen, Consultant and Technical Team Lead at Columbus
I was quite impressed with the approach that InterForm as a company has to output management. When you dig into InterForm, you discover how many options you actually have. A company should look at InterForm when they have a great need for output management, when they need something more than the standard solution. Many of the systems we’ve seen in the past require specialized people with long education to do simple tasks. In InterForm, you get a great interface, making it a valuable tool for M3 environments.
Watch this two-minute video and get a feeling for how InterForm can help you.
Create any design you want with our drag'n'drop WYSIWYG editor.
The central output hub of your organization. Make your output intelligent with InterForm.
See some outputs that our customers are using InterForm for. Use our form packages or create your own designs.
Document with product images and links
Delivery notes like CMR
Labels of any kind
RFID labels
Invoices and other business documents
ZUGFeRD & XRechnung
Everything you need in one tool. Platform independent Output Management. Runs on-premise and in the cloud.
Create any XML format like ZUGFeRD, XRechnung, UBL, PEPPOL...
Full UNICODE/DBCS and 1D & 2D barcode support
Several industry formats supported
Merge, Embed, Encrypt, Password protect or apply form fields to your PDF
Laser Printing is a native functionality in InterForm Output Management software
High performing label printing. 500+ templates
Fax options with InterForm
Collect Paperless, Digital Signatures Hassle-Free with InterForm
Clever OfficeVision400 replacement
Get your existing output into InterForm in no time. Design assistance included
User friendly editor. No programming required!
Use across any ERP or application
Works native on IBM i, Windows, Linux - on premise or in the Cloud
One tool designed to handle all your output requirements
100 % dedication to output management. +4.000 installations
Here you can find interesting case studies, company news and introductions to new features
France is on the brink of a major digital transformation in e-invoicing, with PEPPOL (Pan-European Public Procurement Online) poised to…
Another country takes a step further into realm of digitization. Belgium is set to introduce mandatory structured e-invoicing for most…
No business wants to waste their money. When your company invests in a new business application, tool, or output management…