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InterFormNG2 Manual

Navigation: Settings > Settings for tenant

Workflow tenant settings

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This section lists all tenant settings for the workflow. More settings can be setup globally.


The tenant specific workflow settings are:


1.Printers.Here you define the printers, that you want to use with InterFormNG2.

2.E-mail server. If you want to email from a tenant, then you need to setup at least one email server.

3.Intersigning server. Configuration of the option to add written signatures to PDF files.

4.DigitalSign server. Configuration of digital signature for PDF files via DigitalSign.

5.eSignAnyWhere signing of PDF files.

6.IBM MQ. Configuration of IBM message queues.

7.Database. Setup connections to various databases, so InterFormNG2 can process input files found in CLOB/BLOB fields.

8.Office365. This is also referenced as the Sharepoint integration module.

9.Nextway Next. An InterFormNG2 module for integration with the Nextway Next archiving solution.

10.d.velop module. An InterFormNG2 module for integration with the d.velop archiving solution.

11.Infor System-Link configuration. Here you can setup a System-Link instance for interfacing with System-Link.

12.Remote output. Enables remote clients to connect to InterFormNG2.